medicusmundi and the Alliance for Health held on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, at 12:30 pm, a Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival
medicusmundi and the Alliance for Health held on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, at 12:30 pm, a Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival on the “The improvement of services to attend victims of gender-based violence”, at the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic (PGR), in Maputo.
This was the last session of a total of nine that were held in the cement areas and suburbs of the city of Maputo, specifically in university institutions, cultural centres, as well as public institutions, with the main objective of contributing to the education and awareness of citizenship and the authorities on Activism and Right to Health in Mozambique.
This session was especially addressed to employees of the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic, in order to debate issues related to gender violence and the role of the Public Prosecutor in combating this curse and advocate for the improvement of care services for women victims of gender-based violence.
The event began with the projection of two films, namely Raúl de la Fuente's "WOMAN”, and Graphic Case's “Episode 3 of the ACTIVA-TE series”. Then, a debate panel was held with the participation of Amâncio Zimba, General Sub-Prosecutor (PGR Criminal Department); Karina Dulobo, Gender Responsible in medicusmundi; Ivete Mafundza Espada, from the Human Rights Litigation Association (ALDH); and Quiteria Guirengane, moderator of the debate and Director of the Women's Observatory.
During the debate panel, Amâncio Zimba, from the PGR Criminal Department, invited all present to “cultivate respect and sensitivity to the other and the court providers to be agents of change.”
In turn, Karina Dulobo stressed that "just as there are prisons for the aggressors, the State should also create conditions for host houses for the victims."
To Ivete Mafundza, "it is the responsibility of the provider of justice to investigate the cases of GBV with all details, so that in the end it may make the correct sentence." And she adds, "justice is expensive, but it's possible." And, in the same way, she invited the Attorney-General's Office as a provider of justice to join this cause.
In addition to the interventions of the participants in the panel, there were also other interventions of several of the people present, including that of Elda Homo, the Gender's Focal Point of the Attorney-General's Office, who greeted the initiative and mentioned the importance of debating this theme in this context.
In his speech, Miranda Munhua, medicusmundi's communication responsible in Mozambique, mentioned that this Film Festival began in July 2022 and is inserted within the scope of the “ACTIVA-TE For the Right to Health” campaign activities, starting a few months before, in February 2022.
This activity was carried out with the financial support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) within the Agreement 18-CO1-1096 «Improving the population's health based on its Social Determinants, with special focus on nutrition, through the strengthening of Primary Health Care as the best strategy to ensure the right to health and the collaboration of civil society, research institutions, and the National Health System». The content of this news is the sole responsibility of medicusmundi and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the AECID.