The Commission on Social Determinants of Health of Maputo's Municipality, elected on 23rd February 2022 its governing bodies.
"A commission on social determinants of health (SDH) is not something new worldwide, since the World Health Organization established its Commission on Social Determinants of Health".
The Commission on Social Determinants of Health of Maputo's Municipality, elected on 23rd February 2022 its governing bodies.
The event was inaugurated by the Municipal Health Director, Dr Bélia Xerinda, who praised the initiative, but stressed that "a commission on social determinants of health (SDH) is not something new worldwide, since the World Health Organization established its Commission on Social Determinants of Health", and adding that "in the Mozambican context we are pioneers to have an operational commission like this one, despite the efforts being carried out at the Ministry of Health to also operationalizing [its own commission at the national level]."
At the same meeting, Dr Cheila António, Member of the Commission, presented the regulations, as well as its activities matrix, so that the other members were aligned with the objectives of it. The presentation was reinforced by Dr Policarpo Ribeiro, the Public Health Officer of medicusmundi, assuming both the roles of this NGO’s representative and Member of the Commission’s Secretariat, which highlighted that the Maputo’s Commission on SDH will have some activities supported by the project "Social Determinants of Health: The Best Strategy against COVID-19 in Maputo”, implemented by medicusmundi and funded by the Municipality of Barcelona.
"we are pioneers to have an operational commission like this one, despite the efforts being carried out at the Ministry of Health to also operationalizing [its own commission at the national level]."
Policarpo Ribeiro encouraged the Member organizations to also seek other alternative financial resources, in order to carry out all the activities envisaged there.
After that, the long-awaited moment of the meeting arrived, when the following Commission's Directive Members were elected, by a unanimous decision:
In order to conclude, Dr Bélia Xerinda, the Municipal Health Director of Maputo, stressed that the Commission on Social Determinants of Health will be subjected to constant monitoring and that it will have to submit to the Municipality of Maputo and its citizenship, its Annual Activities and Situation Report.