18 community activists trained in Maputo in the use of the KoBo ToolBox

On July 1 and 2, 2024, a training on the use of the KoBo Toolbox was carried out for the 18 community activists who will work on collecting data from people with disabilities, in the municipal district of Nlhamankulo, within the framework of the project “Improving municipal policies for people with disabilities in Maputo”, financed by the Municipality of Barcelona.

Social Determinants of Health

What is the KoBo Toolbox? It is a tool for data collection that facilitates the application of questionnaires in unfavourable contexts. The people who use it the most are those who collaborate in civil society organizations and research centres supporting humanitarian crises and vulnerable groups.


The Kobo ToolBox will help researchers (community activists) to collect data that can more accurately reflect the reality of accessibility conditions for people with disabilities in the city of Maputo. In this way, through this tool, community activists will be trained to register the problems faced daily by residents with disabilities in the municipal district of Nlhamankulu, in Maputo.


The hired trainer, Fernando de los Ríos, states that “KoBo ToolBox allows surveys to be carried out in digital format, through which activists can enter information from their phones or tablets, and which will be received immediately for subsequent analysis”.


Likewise, the trainer highlights that the survey that will take place during the month of July 2024 will allow information to be collected from families who live with people with disabilities, based on parameters and indicators of access to health services in the intervention area. Therefore, with these same parameters and indicators it will be possible, for example, to identify the factors that affect people with disabilities, taking into account the socioeconomic situation of the family, the location and the existing infrastructure in their neighbourhoods.

it will be possible to bring real data on the accessibility conditions in the city of Maputo


For one of the participants, Júlio Fumo, this “training was gratifying, since through the KoBo Toolbox it will be possible to bring real data on the accessibility conditions in the city of Maputo, illustrating a real image of the dilemmas experienced by the People with disabilities. disabilities, especially in the Nlhamankulu municipal district.”


After the theoretical class, the trained activists formed groups composed of 3 members, to carry out an interview simulation, as a way to practice what they learned throughout the training.


This activity is part of the project “Improving municipal policies for people with disabilities in Maputo”, financed by the Municipality of Barcelona, and which is being implemented by medicusmundi, in collaboration with ADEMO and the Maputo Municipal Council.