Consolidating exit routes from gender-based violence in Maputo (Mozambique)

Promoting justice and gender equality in the city of Maputo, through the empowerment of women and the construction of a society free of gender-based violence.

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a serious social problem that affects women's rights in Mozambique, despite efforts to implement reforms and response services. Civil society organizations such as medicusmundi Mediterrània and Fórum Mulher have been focusing their work on strengthening institutions and public policies. However, local civil society itself, through grassroots community organizations such as the Hixikanwe Association, appears as an agile alternative to offer direct services to women in situations of violence.

This intervention prioritizes the strengthening of these grassroots entities, such as the Hixikanwe Association, with actions to train, offer comprehensive care to victims and children, in addition to carrying out awareness and advocacy campaigns to increase public budgets allocated to support services for women victims of violence.

The project aims to empower people, help victims, promote coordination between the public and civil sectors, carry out prevention campaigns and influence policies to increase investment in support services for women victims of violence. .

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