
Television Debate with the Maputo Social Determinants of Health Commission

On September 22, 2023, the Municipal Commission for Social Determinants of Health of the City of Maputo held a television debate, on the StrongLive channel, about the challenges in accessing information and reliable data on cases of gender-based violence.
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medicusmundi support to Namuno district

Last Thursday, September 14th, medicusmundi team in Cabo Delgado’s province had the honour of being received by the Honourable Administrator of the District of Namuno, Mrs. Maria Felisbela Félix Lázaro.
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Medicus Mundi signs the Alliance for Health's position on the doctors' strike

With regard to the current strike by doctors in Mozambique, the Alliance for Health expresses its interest in supporting the independent commission that will assist in bringing the parties together. medicusmundi is one of the member organizations that signs this position.
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Psychosocial support to mutual help groups made up of women survivors of GBV

Medicus Mundi, in partnership with the Health Service of Maputo, carried out 10 psychosocial support sessions for women survivors of Gender-based Violence (GBV), between June and August 2023, at the Integrated Care Centres (CAIVs) for GBV Victims in Bagamoio, Mavalane and 1st of May, in Maputo.
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Training of Community Activists in Maputo

Between the 21st and 24th of July, in the TDM meeting room, in the District of KaMpfumu, city of Maputo, took place a training of Community Activists for the implementation of Community Surveillance of COVID-19, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Measles, Neonatal Tetanus, Diarrhoea/Cholera and Gender-Based Violence.
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Course on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the Context of Climate Emergency

During the months of May and June 2023, there was held a face-to-face course in the city of Maputo, and later its online version, entitled "Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the Context of Climate Emergency". This course is part of a collaboration between medicusmundi, Fórum Mulher and Alliance for Health, and was developed and taught by Professor Teresa Cunha, with the technical and pedagogical support of our colleague Djamila Andrade.
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