PROMURA, in collaboration with medicusmundi, held a community talk on May 23, 2024 in the Ncupe neighborhood, in Namuno-headquarters, within the framework of agreement 22-CO1-398 “Improving the quality, coverage and resilience of the Health System in Cabo Delgado”, financed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).
During the talk held by the PROMURA Association on May 23, 2024, different topics related to Gender-based Violence (GBV), sexual harassment, and sexual and reproductive health were discussed. The talk, which was attended by 84 people (49 women and 35 men), was attended by the Ncumbe-sede Neighborhood Secretary, Fernando Daudo, who highlighted the importance of girls who suffer sexual harassment, in schools or in the community, “report it to community leaders or even directly to the Police (PRM), so that the harassers are punished.”
Activity implemented within the framework of agreement 22-CO1-398 “Improving the quality, coverage and resilience of the Health System in Cabo Delgado”, implemented by medicusmundi, in collaboration with the Wiwanana Foundation and the Government, and financed by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID).