Medicusmundi celebrates nutritionists' day in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

On the 31st of August, nutritionists' day is celebrated in Mozambique, so the nutritionists of our team in Cabo Delgado took the opportunity to offer a nutritious and healthy lunch to the other team members

On the 31st of August, nutritionists' day is celebrated in Mozambique, so the nutritionists of our team in Cabo Delgado took the opportunity to offer a nutritious and healthy lunch to the other team members, taking advantage of the commemoration of the day that pays tribute to the your profession.

This year's motto is: "Increasing resilience in nutrition and food security on the African continent". Strengthening of agri-food, health and social protection systems to accelerate the development of human, social and economic capital".

Furthermore, this year coincides with the African Union naming 2022 as the "year of nutrition".

For these reasons, the team's nutritionists, in addition to sharing a nutritious lunch, wanted to take the opportunity to remember some healthy food recommendations, emphasizing the increase in the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, the care of hygiene practices in the kitchen, as well as the importance of accompanying the diet with physical activity to break the increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

At the same time, both Rufina and Daniel wanted to motivate the team to continue working with energy and enthusiasm in the activities included in the strategy of "model communities in the fight against malnutrition", financed by AECID, which we carried out in northern Mozambique from the approach of the social determinants of health that affect the perpetuation of chronic child malnutrition, since there is still a deficit in nutrition services, mainly in the rural population.

After the celebration of this day, at medicusmundi Mozambique we continue our commitment to Nourished Communities, Healthy Communities!