Self-help groups of women survivors of Gender-based violence in Maputo

medicusmundi and Fórum Mulher have been supporting the Government of Mozambique in the operation of the Multisectoral Mechanism for Comprehensive Care for Women Victims of Violence (MMAIMVV). The main objective is to prevent, avoid and alleviate the suffering of women victims of violence.

Strengthening PHC Social Determinants of Health

The woman through the group will come to realize that she is not alone and that her feelings of confusion, fear and despair are real and shared by other women.

This suffering that women suffer at an individual level can be alleviated through therapeutic methodologies, such as the formation of Mutual Aid Groups (GAM) or Psychosocial Support Groups (GAP), where women feel free to express what they have suffered. or suffer. , to support themselves and the other women present, under the direction of specialized technical personnel from the Health and Social Action sectors.

One of the advantages is that the woman is no longer isolated and, within the context of the group, these methodologies allow her to validate her experience, receive information, give and receive support (e.g. emotional), but also understand that her problem is not unique and that there are alternative ways of dealing with the situation.

The woman through the group will come to realize that she is not alone and that her feelings of confusion, fear and despair are real and shared by other women.

We are happy with the work done by the mutual aid and psychosocial support groups, and we take the opportunity to share some of these moments, such as a theater play that they organized in Bagamoyo about the violence that women suffer within their families and places of public service, as well as sharing meetings within the "1º de Maio" group.


Activity carried out within the scope of the project “Contribute to the defense, guarantee and exercise of a life free of violence for women in Maputo - Phase 3”, funded by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD).